Archivio news

5 dicembre 2018

10 anni nel futuro

Let's work and have fun: the large numbers of 2018 4sustainability Conference

The event 10 Years in the Future. Let’s work and have fun took place in Florence on 30th November last. It was organized by Process Factory to celebrate its first ten years and to continue the debate on sustainable issues in the traditional 4sustainability Annual Conference, of which Brachi is the co-founder.

More than 200 participants crowded the Florence Chamber of Commerce, which hosted, in addition to the 4sustainability Conference, also 6 thematic workshops on the future of the sustainable business and as many information desks.

Brachi, partner of Process Factory, made a transversal contribution, with a dedicated desk, a workshop organised by Primo Brachi and Giancarlo Di Blasi - respectively, President and Technical Director of the Laboratory - and the presence of Sales and Marketing Director Giulio Lombardo among the speakers of the 4sustainability Conference.

Back to the future: the regenerated is the title of the Brachi workshop, dedicated to a tradition, that of the regenerated, precisely, ancient and modern at the same time, able to anticipate in times not suspicious of the principles of the circular economy. "It is necessary to think of concretely sustainable development strategies - said Primo Brachi -, with an approach that considers the entire life cycle of the product: from its design to the production process, to its use and subsequent recycling or reuse".

Giulio Lombardo, on the other hand, focused his speech on product compliance and transparency as added value, which is also useful in terms of competitiveness on the markets. "The quality of the product, its suitability for its intended use - he said - is a fundamental condition but no longer sufficient. Every product, today, must tell a story of truth".


Brachi Process Innovation:
Project co-financed under the POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020

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