Archivio news

12 marzo 2015

Sustainable textiles, with 4S

Prato, March 18: here are the call for tenders for sustainable growth

In the agenda of innovation, sustainability is becoming a fixed entry. This evidence can be perceived also by the growing number of public calls for tenders open to support companies in their path towards sustainable innovation.
Clothing and textile companies are committed to increasing the content of sustainability of products and processes and to respect the environment, health and safety of consumers. It is an ethical choice able to strengthen the presence of Italian companies in worldwide markets, a strategic factor of competitiveness that integrates social responsibility and business.

On March 18, in Prato, the Unione Industriale Pratese will organize a conference to take stock of the possibilities of access to financing offered by public calls to companies investing in R&D, with special attention to innovations in sustainability.
4sustainability is in the group of speakers, involved once again due to its specialized skills and its role as a privileged partner whenever, in Italy, we talk about sustainable development.

The experience gained in the fields of fashion and textiles gives the presence of Francesca Rulli, sustainability manager of the network promoted by Brachi and Process Factory, an added value.
The reason is that topics such as sustainability and its implications for businesses are still very ambiguous and companies need  expertise, case historis to refer to, practical advice and operational support.

The active role now played by institutions increases the opportunities that companies have to carry out projects for the improvement of their economic, environmental and social performance.
The meeting in Prato, to be held at the Palazzo dell’Industria starting from 14.30, will deepen exactly this aspect, with a concrete approach guaranteed by the quality of the scheduled interventions.

Besides 4sustainability, among the protagonists of an interesting panel discussion entitled The possibilities of sustainable development for local companies, we report the presence of Silvia Ramondetta of Confindustria Toscana, who will discuss the current funding opportunities to companies investing in sustainability.

Wednesday, 18th March 2015, 2.30-6.00 pm
Palazzo dell’Industria, via Valentini 14, Prato
Admission is free upon registration:


Brachi Process Innovation:
Project co-financed under the POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020

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