Archivio news

10 settembre 2015

Brands and sustainable supply chain

The second meeting of the series will be held on September 29

On 29 September 2015, from 5.30 to 7.00 pm, CNA Federmoda and CNA Produzione in partnership with 4sustainability will organize the workshop entitled Brands looking for sustainable supply chain: a threat or an opportunity?
The title and the topic recall another workshop organized always by 4sustainability in Prato in the summer of 2014. It is a working meeting, rather than the classic conference, useful to provide companies with practical information on how to approach a subject that is critical to face markets.

«Many still look at sustainability as a threat, butit is obvious that it is rather a great opportunity». According to Francesca Rulli, Sustainability Manager of 4sustainability, we must promote in all ways a radical change: «Combine business with ethics and social environment is not just a “good” thing. It is a necessity caused by the fact that consumers are the first to demand responsible behavior from companies. Many brands are moving and are also involving the supply chain, which has been capable in some cases of autonomous commendable initiatives».

The focus of the workshop, which will be held at CNA in Scandicci, near Florence, is exactly that: to clarify what it means, for companies in the supply chain, an integrated path to sustainability, by presenting a method that can transform the opportunities in competitive advantage and create new lasting value. For all.

5.30 pm: Registration of participants
5.45 pm: Welcome speeches. Andrea Calistri - President of CNA Firenze and Massimo Marchi - President of CNA Federmoda Firenze
6.00: Sustainability and integration into operational processes: focus on the processes of the management system of chemicals. Francesca Rulli - Process Factory Srl
6.30: Sustainability and chemical risks: focus on products. Primo Brachi - Brachi Testing Services Srl
6.50: The point of view of the brands: objectives and approach.
7.15: Grants and funding. Barbara Marinello - CNA Firenze
7.30: Cocktail and conclusion


Brachi Process Innovation:
Project co-financed under the POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020

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