27 maggio 2024

9 aprile 2024

14 marzo 2024

1 marzo 2024

28 luglio 2023

21 febbraio 2023

25 febbraio 2021

17 febbraio 2021

22 ottobre 2020

21 settembre 2020

27 luglio 2020

27 aprile 2020

25 marzo 2020

5 febbraio 2020

16 gennaio 2020

18 dicembre 2019

10 dicembre 2019

11 novembre 2019

Partecipa all'Evento Annuale 4sustainability!

A Milano, il 5 dicembre, in partnership con Brachi

Si terrà a Milano il 5 dicembre l’Evento Annuale 4sustainability. Una sede prestigiosa, le partnership accademiche con Milano Fashion Institute e Politecnico di Milano e un parterre di relatori di rilievo internazionale sono alcuni degli ingredienti dell’edizione 2019Brachi è contributor dell'evento...

6 marzo 2019

ZDHC premia Brachi con il Level 1!

Un nuovo accreditamento per i test di conformità sui prodotti chimici

Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals riconosce Brachi Testing Services come Indicator of Level 1 ZDHC MRSL Conformance per i test sui prodotti chimici. Questo nuovo status si unisce a quello di Provisionally Accepted Laboratory già detenuto da Brachi per le analisi sulle Waste Water.

10 febbraio 2019

Microplastiche: è il turno di New York

Una nuova proposta di legge per l'etichettatura dei capi con oltre il 50% fibre sintetiche

Dopo la California, dove è in dirittura d’arrivo la legge che renderà obbligatoria l’etichettatura dei capi d’abbigliamento che contengono oltre il 50% di fibre sintetiche, anche lo Stato di New York si è attivato per imporre un’etichetta speciale. Obiettivo: sensibilizzare il consumatore sull'inquinamento da microplastiche.

31 gennaio 2019

Regolamento REACH sugli ftalati

In vigore da gennaio il nuovo testo della restrizione 51 dell’allegato XVII al REACH

È entrato in vigore a gennaio il nuovo testo della restrizione n. 51 dell’allegato XVII al Regolamento REACH relativa agli ftalati, sensibilmente modificato dal Regolamento UE 2018/2005. Finora, la restrizione limitava il contenuto di bis(2-etilesile), dibutilftalato e benzilbutilftalato nei giocattoli e negli articoli di puericultura.

16 gennaio 2019

La Russia verso la tracciabilità totale

In vigore da gennaio l'obbligo di etichettatura con microchip

È entrata in vigore il 1° gennaio, in Russia, la normativa 28 aprile 2018 N° 792-r sull’obbligo di etichettatura con microchip di diversi prodotti di consumo, ultima tappa di un percorso avviato due anni fa e destinato, negli intenti del governo nazionale, a fare del paese il primo al mondo a tracciabilità totale.

19 dicembre 2018

One minute of us

The new video profile of Brachi Testing Services is online on YouTube

È online, sul Canale YouTube di Brachi Testing Services, il nuovo profilo video dell’azienda. Un minuto di immagini, girate nella sede storica di Brachi, per raccontare in estrema sintesi i nostri servizi, i nostri valori e il lavoro quotidiano a fianco dei brand e delle aziende della filiera moda ovunque abbiano le loro produzioni

7 dicembre 2018

Noble fibers: requirements, regulations, horizons

A technical seminar organized by Gruppo Colle and Brachi

Il 14 dicembre, al Museo Materia di Cantagallo si è tenuto il seminario Le fibre nobili: requisiti, normative, orizzonti, organizzato da Gruppo Colle e Brachi Testing Services. Alpaca, mohair, cachemire, vigogna... Fibre "nobili" perché preziose, sofisticate, morbide al tatto. E protagoniste di un trend produttivo in crescita.

5 dicembre 2018

10 anni nel futuro

Let's work and have fun: the large numbers of 2018 4sustainability Conference

The event 10 Years in the Future. Let’s work and have fun took place in Florence on 30th November last. It was organized by Process Factory to celebrate its first ten years and to continue the debate on sustainable issues in the traditional 4sustainability Annual Conference, of which Brachi is the co-founder.

5 novembre 2018

Il coniglio d'angora in prima linea

Animali da fibra: pronto un nuovo disciplinare sugli allevamenti del piccolo mammifero europeo

È terminata la fase di inchiesta pubblica del progetto di norma UNI 1605145, primo tentativo di regolamentare a livello nazionale i requisiti a cui gli allevatori devono attenersi a tutela degli animali e del loro benessere. Brachi partecipa al Gruppo di Lavoro GL 12 della Commissione UNI Tessile e Abbigliamento incaricato del progetto.

26 settembre 2018

Hygroscopic, fireproof ... It's the polyacrylate!

EU recognizes a new, high-performance textile fiber

New rules on the denomination of textile fibers, labeling and marking of the fibrous composition of textiles. The most important innovation concerns the introduction of a new fiber, the "polyacrylate", with very interesting characteristics for the textile and technical apparel industry.

13 luglio 2018

Notice to consumers

From August 30th, new obligations to declare the presence of harmful chemicals on the products

An amendment to the Regulation known as California Proposition 65 states that, starting from August 30th, products marketed in California containing substances subject to the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 must report a warning to consumers informing them of the presence of harmful substances to health.

6 luglio 2018

Restrictions on CMRs in textiles

EU Member States vote for reducing the use of hazardous chemicals in garment and footwear

The European Union approved a series of important usage restrictions for 33 substances classified as CMR in textiles, clothing and footwear.
CMRs are carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic substances for reproduction used in production processes or to attribute specific properties to the product

25 maggio 2018

Microplastic pollution

Here comes a law for labeling of clothing with a high content of synthetic fiber

In California, a law is under discussion that will make the labeling of garment items containing 50% synthetic fibers at least mandatory. The label must include a notice to consumer regarding the fact that the synthetic fibers in the product could be dispersed in the environment in the form of microplastics.

2 maggio 2018

Bangladesh: Brachi doubles up

A partnership with Fakir Apparels gives life to Fakir Testing Services

Brachi Testing Services strenghtens its presence in Bangladesh through a partnership with Fakir Apparels, one of the country's most important clothing manufacturers. Fakir Apparels is a sound company with its own internal laboratory for performance tests on products and modern equipment to perform the main chemical analyses.

5 febbraio 2018

Brachi finds a home in Montemurlo

A new proximity laboratory for even more punctual services

From February 5, Brachi Lab is operating in Montemurlo with a new headquarters, a center specialized in performing product performance tests to support businesses in the West area of Prato district with routine activities and also optimize response times.

29 gennaio 2018

Good morning Vietnam!

Brachi policy is to export quality wherever companies have their own productions

Brachi Testing Services extends its business to Vietnam, thanks to a strategic partnership with Vietnam Textile Research Institute – ISO 17025 accredited laboratory based in Hanoi - which follows those in India and Pakistan with Testtex and PTTF respectively.

28 gennaio 2018

Korea, a new obligation for distributors

Documentary evidence required for many fashion goods

In compliance with the KC Certification Regulation in force in South Korea, we'd point out the entry into force, last 28 January, of a new obligation related to all products subject to Supplier's Assurance of Conformity, i.e. leather goods and clothing for adults and children over 36 months.

18 dicembre 2017

The importance of recognizability

A brand-new site for Brachi Testing Services. Space also to the Group's other companies

A whole new site, but absolutely recognizable.
Same URL address, same graphics, same usability, but an approach focused on Brachi Lab, to give space to its services range - one of the widest in the sector - and to reward its dynamism at international level. Have a good surfing!

11 dicembre 2017

Tests on bovine pericardium

Brachi Testing Services contribution to an important medical research project

Brachi Testing Services is proud to announce the publication of a study on the surgical use of bovine pericardium in the Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.
Brachi lab is directly involved in this project, since it performed all necessary tests.

23 novembre 2017

War on grey import

In Russia and the Eurasian Customs Union, chip-marking becomes widespread practice

An interesting article about the war on so-called gray import by our partner IC Trade.
The instrument identified by Russian authorities is the chip-marking of many consumer goods, from the pilot project on fur based on RFID technology to garments and footwear.

20 novembre 2017

OFRs forbidden in the United States

CPSC published a guidance document on organohalogen flame retardants

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) published guidelines on the hazardous additive, non-polymeric organohalogen flame retardants (OFRs) in certain consumer products, including infant or toddler products, toys, upholstered furniture, mattresses and mattress pads, plastic casing surrounding electronics.

8 novembre 2017

ZDHC Gateway

Brachi Testing Services riceives the provisional accredited laboratory status for the Wastewater Module

The attribution of the provisional laboratory status for sludge and wastewater analysis according to the ZDHC Wastewater Module streghtens the Brachi Testing Services's reputation as one of the most reliable laboratories in the fashion & luxury sector, to which it contributes with a unique set of skills and professionalism.

25 ottobre 2017

New talents wanted!

Brachi Testing Services recruits a junior profile for its Sales Office

Brachi Lab recruits s a junior profile for its Sales Office. We offer a paid internship aimed at employment. Needed requirements include fluent English, mastery of the main IT tools, availability to travel on Italian territory. We are looking for young motivated people, able to quickly learn the specifics of our activity sector.

6 ottobre 2017

Cashmere, improvisation is forbidden

What skills you should require for the analysis of raw fibers and artifacts

The laboratory’s specific skills are a key requirement if you want to be sure of the analysis’s reliability on cashmere. Brachi Testing Services is an absolute benchmark in this field, as evidenced by the numerous international accreditations and recognition by organizations involved in the protection of this precious fiber.

14 settembre 2017

Laboratories accreditation

The publication of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is expected by December 2017

The publication of ISO/IEC 17025:2017, the new international standard for the accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories is expected by the end of this year. The delay compared to the the planned deadline is due to the decision of ISO/CASCO/WG 44 to release the Final Draft International Standard (FDIS).

23 agosto 2017

Titanium dioxide suspected causing cancer

ECHA proposes its inclusion under Category 2

The Committee for Risk Assessment of ECHA, the European Chemical Agency, has proposed to include titanium dioxide among cancer substances. For its high refractive index, this compound is used in form of white pigment as opacifier of artificial and synthetic textile fibers as well as for dyeing textile products.

3 agosto 2017


New measures from the European Union into force starting from 2020

The European Union has published a set of measures to regulate the use of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and related substances in a wide range of products, under Annex XVII of REACH.
The new law will be implemented in different steps stanting from July 4, 2020.

21 luglio 2017

Turkey, new controls on shoes

Chemicals involved are Chromium VI and Dioctyltin (DOT)

A new specific control on footwear products announced with internal memo by the Turkish Ministry of Economy was officially launched on July 10th. This control concerns in particular the restricted contents of Chromium VI and Dioctyltin. The Ministry had already performed an analogous control on Phthalates.

17 luglio 2017

Brachi commitment to ZDHC

Companies' support to Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals program is growing every day

Brachi Testing Services is one of the seven new members of Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC), the international association of companies in the fashion industry that decided to work together to reduce the use of chemicals in production so as to protect workers, consumers and the environment.

5 luglio 2017

Countdown for the REACH!

Less than one year to comply with the obligations of EU regulation on chemicals

Scadrà il 1° giugno 2018 il lungo periodo transitorio previsto dal Regolamento CE 1907/2006 meglio noto come REACH, entrato in vigore nel 2007 con l’obiettivo di razionalizzare il precedente quadro legislativo in materia di sostanze chimiche dell’Unione Europea. Le aziende che non si sono organizzate, hanno ancora pochi mesi di tempo.
Companies that have not yet been organized have less than one year to catch up.

13 giugno 2017

Kids’ clothing: new rules in Australia

The Ministry for Small Business revises standards for safer children’s nightwear

The Australian Ministry for Small Business uptated the safety standard for children’s nightwear, announcing the adoption of the revision of AS / NZS 1249: 2014 Standard. The revision, which repealed the previous safety standard as well as the relevant trade practices, is effective immediately.

17 maggio 2017

Up to June 28, Insieme Giochiamo

The event will be held at the Museo Materia in Cantagallo with the support of Brachi

Insieme Giochiamo is the festival organized by Gruppo Colle, a leading company in the textile dyeing sector, on the occasion of I Balocchi del nonno exhibition, to be held in Cantagallo from 8 to 28 June 2017. The venue of both events is the Materia Museum, established by Colle Group one year ago.

9 maggio 2017

Genio e Lavoro

Brachi protagonist of TV Prato format on the district's excellences

The episode of TV Prato format about Brachi laboratory entitled Genio e Lavoro is online on Brachi YouTube Channel as well as on this site. Born from an idea of Giuseppe Guanci and Jacopo Nesti in collaboration with the videomaker Stefano Cecchi, the program goes and shines a spotlight on the territory excellences. 

2 maggio 2017

Forty years Brachi

On the road from 1977: side by side with companies, in the name of quality

There are things that deserve to be remembered, without pomposity but with due respect to a story that means so much for so many people. A brief article by Primo Brachi tells the first 40 years of Brachi lab, from the first accreditation by Mark & Spencer to an internationalization era always lived supporting businesses.

14 aprile 2017

Partnerships that matter

From logistics to shipments, Brachi support to businesses is all-round

Originality is maybe the most representative value of Brachi laboratory. Being original, for us, means to offer companies custom scalable solutions that go beyond the simple test report. Our approach is to propose a comprehensive service package among which clients can find the perfect answer for their own needs.

31 marzo 2017

Chip marking for all fashion goods

Russia: after fur garments, it's now the turn of footwear and leather goods

A new regulation for the mandatory microchip marking of various fashion products will enter soon into force in Russia.
Leather goods and leather footwear will be involved in a first step, but it seems very likely that the same rule will be applied to clothing in general. 

30 marzo 2017

EAC, chip marking of fur garments

Products involved, tags and methods of application, sanctions

Since August 2016, all natural fur products (or with parts in natural fur) placed on the Russian market must be equipped with an electronic tag. This obligation, introduced as a form of control and anti-counterfeiting, also affects the other countries in the Eurasian Union, i.e. Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

24 marzo 2017

POR CreO FESR: project BTS Innovation

Regional Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund

Brachi Laboratory won one of the Regional Operational Program calls for Growth and Employment - POR CREO 2014-2010, benefiting from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) support. The Program goal is to contribute to the realization of the European Union strategy for a smart development, as well as sustainable and inclusive.

21 marzo 2017

Export to the Eurasian Union

What certifications do you need? Brachi and IC Trade offer businesses an all-inclusive support

Brands that want to export to Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan must produce a complex documentation.
Since 2013, Eurasian Customs Union Technical Regulations replaced the GOST standard previously in force in each of the member countries.

24 febbraio 2017

In Cina, volano gli acquisti interni di beni di lusso

Sulle vendite online, molti brand non performano come dovrebbero

In Cina, l’acquisto di beni di lusso ha registrato un +25% negli ultimi tre mesi del 2016. Un dato eclatante alimentato in parte dall’e-commerce, che non tutti i brand sembrano però preparati a cavalcare. Questi, in sintesi, i risultati dello studio di Contactlab Chinese luxury demand momentum: a few original data points, realizzato in collaborazione con Exane BNP Paribas.

19 febbraio 2017

Endangered species: CITES updates itself

More and more brands require the origin of purchased fibers

At the recent Conference of Parties (CoP17) in Joannesburg a series of measures have been approved that have significantly changed the appendices of CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora also known as Washington Convention.

10 febbraio 2017

We train chemical managers!

Process Factory (network 4sustainability) accredited provider for ZDHC training

Many are the registrations to the first ZDHC basic course on chemical management organized by Process Factory as an accredited training provider in Italy. The first event scheduled in February at Brachi headquarters in Prato, went immediately sold out. Applications are still open for the dates of Como (22-23 March) and Biella (4-5 May).

2 febbraio 2017

China, new rules on outdoor garment

GB/T 32614-2016 national standard was published in November

National standard GB/T 32614-2016 Outdoor sportswear - Water resistant garment, the first one in China involving outdoor sportswear, has been implemented in November last year. This standard, more in particular, applies to water resistant garments which are mainly made of textile materials, except those for infants under 36 months.

28 dicembre 2016

Brachi partners - IC Trade Moscow

Control-proof support offered to brands in Russia and Eurasian Union

Gambling a market such as Russia for a wrong certification is a risk that no company can afford to run. In order to support companies in such a complex context, Brachi has signed a partnership agreement with IC Trade, a leading Italian consulting company based in Moscow, whose competences range from logistics to customs regulations, including the management of EAC certification processes.

21 ottobre 2016

My Lab without filters

The Brachi platform of continuous connection between the laboratory and its users is today even more advanced

My Lab the online laboratory service which costumers can access from brachi.it using their personal username and password, is now even more advanced. It is a paltform of continuous connection between users and laboratory to share in real time test results and their compliance with the requirements defined by law or by the client.

17 ottobre 2016

Super easy with Brachi Easy!

Your in-house laboratory… outside company. Dedicated to those who check the entire sample set

Brachi Easy is the service specially developed for companies that rely on Brachi to check the entire sample set of fabrics or yarns, thus delegating typical activities of a in-house laboratory. It is routine analysis that don't determine the emission of any test report, but that give companies, among other things, the necessary quality guarantees for the product sheets.

14 ottobre 2016

Brachi lands in India and Pakistan

Partnership agreements signed with two laboratories of the Indian subcontinent

After China and Bangladesh, Brachi lands in India and Pakistan. It was made official these days the double contract widening the Italian laboratory business to two key countries for the textile and fashion sectors. If cotton industry is the most relevant of Pakistan, India is a strategic area also for leather industry. 

13 ottobre 2016

Chemical management: let’s join up!

The key factor is the collaboration between brands and the supply chain

The workshop entitled Chemical Management: let's join up! was held in Florence with the partnership of Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana and Sistema Moda Italia and the participation of ZDHC - Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals, the major international board working at the reduction of hazardous chemicals in production. 

29 luglio 2016

A teamwork between SGS and Brachi

BTS and 4sustainability will cooperate with the certification body for the Egyptian and Saudi markets

Brachi Group has signed with SGS, a leading company in inspection and certification industry, an important cooperation agreement on two countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia recently returned into the sphere of interest of many fashion brands, in spite of increasingly stringent regulations and standards.

24 luglio 2016

ISO/TC38, meeting in Prato

The Working Group 22 examines a new proteomic technique

The meeting of the Technical Committee 38 of ISO, WG 22, took place last June in Prato, Italy. The committee discussed the draft standard promoted on the analysis of wool mixed with cashmere and some special protein fibers, through a new proteomic technique for which Brachi has already obtained the accreditation by ACCREDIA.

20 giugno 2016

4sustainability at Pitti Immagine Filati

Dedicated to the supply chain, a workshop to understand how to work with brands at best

On June 29 in Florence, Italy, a workshop organized by 4sustainability during Pitti Filati, will explain what steps the companies in the supply chain should make to win the challenges of sustainability and remain competitive, given that both consumers and brands will judge the nature of their products as well as of their processes.

31 maggio 2016

Persistent organic pollutants

Hexabromocyclododecane added to Annex I of European POP regulation

With the publication of EU Regulation No.2016/293, the European Commission has changed the EC Regulation No.850/2004 on persistent organic pollutants (simply know as POP) by adding hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) to Annex I. Brachi is at disposal of its clients for information and assistance.

29 aprile 2016

BTS BD, here’s the accreditation!

A distinctive value and a guarantee of reliability for brands

The Ministry of Industries of Bangladesh has accredited Brachi Testing Services Ltd. for mechanical and chemical tests in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2005. For the managment of the company this is a fundamental recognition, consistent with the philosophy of the group that considers accreditations a distinctive value.

12 aprile 2016

America Star Labels

The American Congress launches a new labeling system for the protection of Made in USA

US Congress introduces a Bill directing the Federal Trade Commission to establish labels that may be used as a voluntary means of indicating to consumers the extent to which products are of United States origin, and for other purposes. One of the main goals of this new regulation is the protection of national products.

3 aprile 2016

China, boom of women’s fashion

Brachi Group looks to Prato textile district and sounds the charge

This year the Italian fashion for women could grow by 25%, especially in the sector of middle luxury. This was detected by the Chinese distribution group IFFG, which recently started a new phase of selection of Italian companies. "This is a great opportunity for Prato", says Giulio Lombardo, sales and marketing director at Brachi.

30 marzo 2016

USA, conformity certificates

The new policy refers to adult clothing exempt from flammability tests

It is in force since March 25, in the United States, the Statement of Policy with which the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has modified the requirements for General Conformity Certificates of women and men clothing exempt from the tests required by the Flammable Fabrics Act - FFA.

22 marzo 2016

Egypt: new rules for imports

Introduced the obligation for companies to enroll in a specific register

The Egyptian government has introduced a legislation in force since March 1st, 2016 requiring all foreign companies that want to import certain products in the country to register with the General Organization for Export & Import Control. The decree (no.43 of January 1st, 2016) includes among other sectors, textiles, footware, and clothing.

18 marzo 2016

Brachi supports pratoexpo.com

The first (virtual) window of textiles Made in Prato is already a success

After the preview of Premiere Vision, has officially made its debut pratoexpo.com, an online platform that will allow many woolen mills to join the digital market. Among the supporters of the first hour, Brachi immediately understood the potential of the initiative, forming an alliance with Pratotrade that aims to enhance the excellencies

11 febbraio 2016

Fra brand e filiera, la cerniera è Brachi

I grandi numeri dell’Opening Day, che ha riunito a Prato i grandi brand della moda sui temi caldi della sostenibilità

Più di 150 adesioni, in rappresentanza di 44 brand fra i più prestigiosi del panorama internazionale e di oltre 30 aziende della catena di fornitura. Tutti riuniti a Prato, ospiti del laboratorio Brachi che ha inaugurato oggi la nuova sede - quasi raddoppianta negli spazi - proponendosi ancora una volta quale tramite fra i grandi marchi della moda e la catena di fornitura. 

25 gennaio 2016

Brachi Opening Day!

A workshop on sustainability and new standards for children products and the opening of the new laboratory

A larger and more functional laboratory opens its doors to brands and companies of the supply chain, including those of Prato district where Brachi Group maintains its roots. On February 11, the opening of the new spaces will be also the occasion for a workshop focused on the strategies for sustainability and the recent safety standards for children products.

11 gennaio 2016

China, Market Inspection Plan 2016

AQSIQ announced the categories of products subject to inspection

The Chinese General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, better known as AQSIQ, released few days ago a relevant communication about the Market Inspection Plan for 2016, specifying the types of products that will be subject to inspection. In particular, we mention four of greater importance for our clients.

10 dicembre 2015

Ralph Lauren chooses Brachi

The American brand of sportswear certifies Brachi Testing Services as its own laboratory

Its style is unmistakable – sporty, casual, elegant and sophisticated as its clothing items. The news is that Ralph Lauren has certified Brachi Testing Services as its laboratory in Italy. It is a prestigious partnership, to add to many analogues recognitions which, for different orders of reasons, we preferred not to reveal.

10 dicembre 2015

Goodbye chemicals!

Dedicated to the supply chain, a focus on ZDHC tools to support the Detox commitment

4sustainability, the network established by Brachi and Process Factory to help companies implement strategies oriented to sustainability and the reduction of hazardous chemicals, is organizing a meeting specifically dedicated to companies in the Prato district. The meeting will be held on December 22 at the Golf Club Le Pavoniere in Prato.

9 dicembre 2015

From tests to integrated logistics

Brachi Bangladesh offers brands tailor-made integrated solutions

The services of our laboratory in Dhaka range from tests to technical and regulatory advice, from inspections to logistics. The principle is modular: brands with their own production in Bangladesh can choose the package that best suits their needs, with the confidence to rely on a unique partner and quality standards typical of Made in Italy.

25 novembre 2015

4sustainability at the table of ZDHC

The keyword is engagement: of the supply chain, brands and organizations

4sustainability, the network established by Brachi and Process Factory to support the companies in their sustainability policies, participated in the Fall Meeting of Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals, by accepting the invitation for the work session scheduled in San Francisco from November 18 to 20.

13 novembre 2015

China: GB 31701 into effect on 1 June 2016

The standard covers the safety technical requirements for children textile products

The Chinese General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) and the Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China (SAC) gave the green light to the publication of GB 31701 safety standard for children up to 14 years. The standard will come officially into effect on June 1st, 2016.

7 novembre 2015

Safety of children's clothing

Brachi Testing Services contributes to draft the new standard CEN/TR 16792

The CEN/TR 16792:2014 Technical Report entitled Safety of children’s cloting - Recommendation for the design and manufacture of children’s clothing - Mechanical safety was born from the need to respond to the instructions of the General Product Safety Directive (2001/95/EC). Let's see what it is.

24 settembre 2015

Brachi opens in Bangladesh!

A new laboratory in Dhaka to move quality where it is more necessary

For Brachi Testing Services, 2015 marks the opening of new operating headquarters in Bangladesh, the second largest producer of clothing in the world. This news, which can now be made official, credits even more Brachi laboratory for its ability to be close to brands where they have their most important productions.

16 settembre 2015

Watch the new video of Brachi!

We are pleased to introduce Brachi Testing Services to you… in 50 seconds flat

The video shows in 50 seconds flat all services that our Laboratory has developed for the companies in the fashion and textile sectors, but also the approach to a world, that of analysis and consulting for quality, which requires passion as well as specialized skills. Originality, culture, reliability, innovation... These are our values.

10 settembre 2015

Brands and sustainable supply chain

The second meeting of the series will be held on September 29

CNA Federmoda and CNA Produzione in partnership with 4sustainability will organize the workshop entitled Brands looking for sustainable supply chain: tools to support small businesses. «Combine business with ethics and social environment is what the market wants», says Francesca Rulli of 4sustainability.

30 luglio 2015

New limits from EU on textile articles

Countdown for the entry into force of the restrictions on the use of Nonylphenol Ethoxylates

The draft regulation published last May by the European Commission severely restricts the use of Nonylphenol Ethoxylates in textiles. The deadline for comments on the draft has exprired. Works on the final draft of the text, which will come into force 60 months after its release, are currently underway.

28 luglio 2015

Follow us on YouTube!

Brachi - Integrated Services for Enterprise has its company channel

After Linkedin, it’s now time for YouTube. The Brachi channel on the famous video sharing web platform is officially online. Another step that allows us to communicate with the world in real time using the power of the moving images. The debut video is an unusual language game on our approach to quality... to be watched till the end!

5 luglio 2015

Consorzio Promozione Filati… 4sustainability!

Green light to an integrated plan for sustainability

The decision of Consorzio Promozione Filati to follow a path towards sustainability is a voluntary act of great significance. Consorzio Promozione Filati addressed to an Italian excellence in the field like 4sustainability, the network founded by Process Factory and Brachi with many projects to its credits for famous fashion brands and textile companies. 

30 giugno 2015

Reach: new restrictions on lead

Zero tolerance for the items that are considered at risk of oral contact

The European Commission amended the provisions of REACH Annex XVII, severely limiting the use of lead and its compounds in the items that children might put in their mouths. The established limit of 0.05% does not apply when it can be demonstrated that the level of lead released is lower than 0,05 µg/cm2 per hour.

29 giugno 2015

News from Japan

New standard and restrictions on childrenswear and textiles

Two interesting news from Japan. The first one concerns some relevant azo restrictions on textiles products introduced by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The second novelty is a new safety standard for cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing whose final version will be promulgated in December 2015.

26 giugno 2015

Egypt, news standard for care labeling

Cairo adoptes the international code of labelling using symbols

The Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (EOS) has made official the obligation for all producers and importers of textile products to comply with ES 1405/2014 “Care Labeling Code Using Symbols”. This standard, which will replace the 2008 previous edition, will come into force six months after the date of adoption.

22 giugno 2015

China’s blacklist also includes Italy

Data on import products which do not meet law standards released

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine - AQSIQ released data on the rate of import products that do not comply with the national laws of the Republic of China. As for the clothing, in 2014 the percentage of non-compliance was 7.9%, 0.78% less than the previous year.

16 giugno 2015

China reduces duties on luxury by half

It’s good news for Made in Italy, but some calls for caution…

It is in force since June 1st, in China, the reduction of up to 50% of customs duties on 14 categories of import products. The measure, introduced by the Commission for customs tariffs of the State Council to meet the growing demand for foreign luxury, concerns footwear, clothing for men, women and children.

3 giugno 2015

China-made clothes carry toxic risk

Checks reveal significant irregularities which affect the information on labels

Labels with false information, substances which are banned in China but allowed in cases where clothes are destined to European markets...
The recent seizure by the Guardia di Finanza of Chinese clotes produced with the use of highly carcinogenic amines is just the tip of the iceberg.

26 maggio 2015

Follow us on Linkedin!

Brachi – Integrated Services for Enterprise has its company page

From today Brachi has its own page on Linkedin! It is a small step, but that is very important for us. If we “speak” more – also through social media – it is because we believe that what we have to say is interesting and useful for businesses to which we offer our services and the economic system in which we are engaged. Follow us!

20 maggio 2015

What about eco-leather?

Published in Italy the revision of UNI 11427 standard on leathers with low environmental impact

Many people mistakenly think that eco-leather is a synthetically produced material that mimics the genuine leather. As the Italian tanning industry wanted to "certify" through the UNI 11427 standard on the so called "leathers with low environmental impact", the truth is quite different.

20 maggio 2015

How much are you sustainable?

Find out for yourself with the 4sustainability questionnaire

What’s the situation of your company in terms of sustainability? What problems need to be solved as to ensure compatibility with the laws and remain competitive? A free questionnaire by 4sustainability helps you to take stock of the situation. Just answer the questions!

12 marzo 2015

Sustainable textiles, with 4S

Prato, March 18: here are the call for tenders for sustainable growth

Textiles and sustainability. On March 18, in Prato, Italy, 4sustainability will help businesses to take stock about the increasing opportunities offered by the public calls for sustainable innovation. The occasion will be a conference organized by the Unione Industriale di Prato at the Palace of Industry.

11 marzo 2015

Turkey gets serious

New limits on hazardous chemicals will come into force from May 21, 2015

In Turkey, the rules on chemicals are always more rigorous. The list of hazardous substances whose use in consumer products is subject to quota actually becomes longer starting from this year, in line with the provisions of Annex XVII to REACH. It’s better not to be caught unprepared and to rely on Brachi. 

4 dicembre 2014

Cutting edge technology

Brachi Testing Services is enriched with advanced analysis devices

Brachi Testing Services further strengthens its instrumental chemical department acquiring a series of innovative equipment of scientific analysis. This is a major investment, but necessary. For Brachi, indeed, research and development have always been synonyms for competitiveness and reliability.

2 dicembre 2014

Approaching the chemical management

4sustainability’s suggestions to the brands and the supply chain to manage the risks and controls

Dress code: sustainability. The management and control of chemicals for the brands and the supply chain took place on November 27 in Florence. The event was organized by two leading companies such as Process Factory and Brachi and the 4sustainability network, born one year ago to support the companies on their path towards sustainability.

14 novembre 2014

Step guide to killer substances

Brachi and Process Factory sum up the situation regarding hazardous chemicals

Brachi and Process Factory – who are partners in providing fashion and textile companies assistance and services on sustainability of products and processes – sum up the situation regarding hazardous chemicals: those that the most “virtuous” have already committed to eliminate and those that will be banned by law in short term.

7 novembre 2014

Dress code: sustainability

On November 27, in Florence, 4sustainability highlights chemical management

On November 27, in Florence, a workshop will take place focused on chemical management, risks and controls. It's the second event of this kind organized by 4sustainability, a network of skills created one year ago by Process Factory and Brachi to help companies to develop and manage an effective plan of sustainable development.

15 ottobre 2014

China market: Italy is the ‘black sheep’

The report of Chinese Customs on the compliance of incoming goods

Brachi is pleased to anticipate the data released by the Chinese Customs Authorities on the compliance of incoming products to stringent local standards. Excluding the local production or imports from China to China, Italy is the first importer before Turkey and Bangladesh, but also the first in terms of irregularities.

2 ottobre 2014

Online the new Process Factory website

A renewed look underlines the company's vocation to performance and result

Process Factory, a Brachi partner for sustainability, changes its face, with a new website and a style that marks the transition to maturity even from a visual point of view. In designing the new tool, the first reference point was the mission of PF, or the support offered towards the efficient management of resources and organizations.

26 settembre 2014

The challenge of chemical management

The Detox Approach of 4sustainability for the companies in the field

We can no longer turn a blind eye: for the fashion brands, sustainability is an unavoidable issue, which directly involves also the supply chain. 4sustainability is now the only network with the experience and method to support fashion brands on the strategic issues of sustainability: the chemical management.

26 settembre 2014

Brachi recipe for sales in China

Milan, a Foppiani Shipping conference on the hardest market in the world

On October 22, in Milan, will be held the conference Sales and distribution in China: opportunities and challenges. Organized by Foppiani Shipping & Logistics, the conference boasts a high level panel of speakers. One of them is Brachi, the only Italian laboratory with its own headquarters in China and a qualified reference foind for alla fashion brands.

23 luglio 2014

Brands looking for sustainability

Transparency helps your business. An initiative by 4sustainability and REMO

Organized by two points of reference in the sustainability field like 4sustainability and REMO, the meeting entitled Brands looking for the sustainable supply chain: a threat or an opportunity?  took place on 22nd July in Prato. It was not the classic meeting, but a workshop useful to provide companies with practical advices on how to to behave.

21 luglio 2014

Burberry relies on Brachi

The reasons for the partnership officialized during a recent seminar in Florence

As the only Bureau Veritas laboratory in Italy, Brachi Testing Services is the reference partner of Burberry for all analyses and quality tests on clothing items, leather accessories and shoes. On July 3th, in Florence, the suppliers in Italy of the British famous fashion and luxury brand had the opportunity to know the reasons of this strategic partnership.

15 luglio 2014

Brachi for the sustainable supply chain

Appointment on the 22nd of July at Prato Textile Museum

Brands in search of the sustainable supply chain: a threat or an opportunity?  is the title of the workshop conceived for everyone who wants to know more about sustainable development with special attention to the textile recycling and the sustainable supply chain. The meeting is promoted by 4sustainability and REMO. 

16 giugno 2014

A network of excellence

Brachi Testing Services is the unique Bureau Veritas laboratory in Italy

The network of Bureau Veritas laboratories, which is structured to set off individual excellence and offer all over the world testing services, but also inspections and audits on the supply chain, ship classification, and training, chose Brachi Testing Services as the only laboratory in Italy for the execution of any kind of laboratory test and analysis.

13 giugno 2014

Welcome Brachi Fast!

Your analysis' results within a maximum time limit of 24 hours from the sample delivery

BrachiFast is the name of Brachi service for the textile and fashio industrie to solve the more urgent problems. The analysis’ results are guaranteed within a maximum time limit of one day from the sample delivery, with exception of aryl ammines, APEO’s (alkyl phenol ethoxylates), heavy metals and chromium VI. BrachiFast is a subscription-based service.

22 maggio 2014

Beyond the brand, there is REMO!

The label to guarantee the transparency of the supply chain

After two years of hard work REMO is ready to go, thanks to the original idea by Martin Havik and the common effort of Brachi and Process Factory. REMO is a company and a label as well, an innovative track & trace system which guarantees the transparency of the supply chain and the environmental saving of all items of clothing. 

12 maggio 2014

Made In, Strasbourg approves

EU makes the indication of the country of origin mandatory

Italy wins the first half of the European match for the Made In label, prevailing on the German obstructionism. Strasbourg approved the proposal for a regulation on the safety of consumer products. With 485 votes in favour, the European Parliament asked, indeed, to make the indication of the country of origin mandatory for everyone.

2 maggio 2014

Europe awards Remo!

A movie of the EU Commission on Brachi commitment towards the culture of reuse

REMO is among the protagonists of the movie the European Commission is realizing to awaken citizens of the EU to the themes of circular economy. The movie will be distributed to the main TV networks of 27 countries. More than 30 million viewers will have the opportunity to know REMO’s committment towards a more conscious culture of recycle.

8 aprile 2014

Brachi new website is online

Guide for Internet users

Brachi new website is online, with a new philosophy, a new architecture, a new design and a language style absolutely mmediate. What’s more, it’s intuitive and easy to surf from computers and all the most popular mobile divices. A real working tool to keep alive the relations with the professionals and companies of our network.

8 aprile 2014

Keep in touch

Get informed with our Newsletter and Brachi Magazine

If you are interested in our work, because you already are our clients or you are thinking of joining us, Brachi put two new communication tools in place for you,  so that you can always be updated. The first one is our Newsletter, the second is called Brachi Magazine and is a true magazine, conceived and realized to deepen the topics that more closely concern us.

7 aprile 2014

Brachi r-evolution

New organization, new working spaces, new coordinated image

Brachi prepares to live a season of great growth, aware of operating in a global market always more competitive. We are equipped to face every challenge with determination and trust in our chances. Brachi evolves to remain true to itself and keep on offering a quality and customization of service that traditionally charaterizes us.

31 marzo 2014

Welcome PratoFast!

Your analyses within 24 hours

PratoFast is the name of Brachi special service for the companies of Prato’s textile district, where the Laboratory was born and still maintains its roots.
PratoFast is a subscription-based service that guarantees the analyses’ results within a maximum time limit of one day from the sample delivery.

20 novembre 2013

Greenpeace, here the votes!

Top positions for Valentino and Benetton

Greenpeace launches the Detox Catwalk, an interactive plactform assessing the progresses made by the fashion industry in terms of sustainability. Companies have been classified as “leader”, devoted to “greenwashing” or “loafer”, depending on the commitment in eliminating the toxic substances from their suply chains.

26 ottobre 2013

New Footwear Division

New equipments and excellence skills

Brachi Group provides its testing laboratory with a new Division specially devoted to the shoe sector. New sophisticated equipments and a highly qualified team to broaden also to finished products the competences it has on leather and saddle leather, fabric and metal components.

25 ottobre 2013

Mission Sustainability

Full house in Florence conference!

«Sustainability is a competitive factor that should not be deferred any longer: if we want to continue to exist, we must adapt to this evidence». This is the message the director of the Italian Chamber of Fashion Giulia Pirovano launched in Florence during a Congress on sustainability organized by Brachi and Process Factory.

Brachi Process Innovation:
Project co-financed under the POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020

BTS process innovation - BTS process innovation 2.0 - Brachi innovazione di processo